if anyone knows the pain of getting stuff in the eyes, it's me
i have has so many things in my eyes, and i have had many experiences with getting stuff out.
if the thing irritating your eye is small, and in the center, try flushing it with water. if you can't because it hurts too much, well then, find a powerful source of water, and place your hand underneath it so tiny bits of water flies into your eye, and flushes it out. if none of this works, try an eyedropper.
get a trusted adult to commence extraction. when someone is trying to extract something from your eye, trust them.
if an adult cannot get it out, go to a doctor immediately. once i got temporarily blinded by a razor sharp blade of cheatgrass, and i stumbled all the way to my grandparents house from their 20 acre lot, and my grandpa extracted it. i was left with a black cut across my entire eye!!!
i hope this can help with anything that is irritating your eye!
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