Friday, July 20, 2018

getting the best deals.

                        this post is going to tell you about getting the best deals when buying stuff!🤑

so when you are buying toys, or food, or candy, you have to keep your eyes open and look for deals like a hawk. and you need to make decisions about what best trait you want in your product, like quantity or quality, local or famous, cool or durable, and other decisions. you also have to look at what companies their from. and some companies are better than others, so you have to watch out for that!!! some products are very similar to other products, so you sometimes need to look into the details of each product and compare, like witch one is riper, or more colorful, or bigger numbered. and if you want to buy stuff of the internet, you need a visa card, or a debit card from a bank. they have visa cards at safeway, and for a debit card, i recommend numerica bank.

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